Sunday, May 24, 2020

Complete True History of Artuk Bey

Artuk Bey

Artuk Bey History
Artuk Bey History

Known as Ertugrul Bey’s right hand man in the TV series, but there is so much more to his story! Artuk Bey (also known as “Son of Eksük” or Ibn Eksuk) was a Turkish General of the Great Seljuk Empire in the 11th century. He was the Seljuk governor of Jerusalem between 1085–1091. Artuk Bey lived in Qüddus up to his death in 1091.

Artuk Bey was one of the commanders of the Great Seljuk Empire army during the Battle of Manzikert in 1071. After the battle, he took part in the conquest of Anatolia on behalf of the Seljuk Empire. He captured the Yeşilırmak valley in 1074. He also served the sultan by quashing a rebellion in 1077.

His next mission was a campaign to capture Amid (modern Diyarbakır) from the Marwanids. In this campaign he quarrelled with the Commander in Chief Fahrüddevlet who tended to make peace with Marwanids. In a surprise attack he defeated reinforcements to Marwanids. However, when the Sultan Malik Shah I heard about the event he suspected Artuk Bey of dissension.

Artuk bey True History
Artuk Bey

Artuk Bey left the battle field and attended to Tutush I who was Malik Shah’s discordant younger brother in Syria in 1084. In 1086 he was instrumental in defeating Süleyman, the sultan of Seljuks of Turkey in a battle between Süleyman and Tutush.

The Beylik of Artukids was named after him, founded 11 years after his death by his sons. His valiant sons are El Gazi ibn Artuk who battled Baldwin II of Edessa at the Battle of Hab, Syria (1119) but lost and Soqman ibn Artuk, the ally of the hot tempered Tugtekin Bey, The Governor of Damascus against the Crusaders in 1104 at the Battle of Harran near Raqqa.

Artuk Bey History

On this battle the Seljuk Army finally captured Crusader Knights Baldwin Il of Edessa who called himself, King of Tripoli and Jerusalem and Joscelin of Courtenay who called himself Prince of Galilee. Although, they managed to escape later. Soqman ibn Artuk become famous and a true honour to the late Artuk Bey.

Artuk Bey Complete Biography (in URDU / Hindi )

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Friday, May 22, 2020

Complete and True History of Ertugrul Gazi / Ghazi

Ertugrul Ghazi (1188 - 1280)

Ertugrul Ghazi is the founder of the Ottoman Caliphate. He was born in 1188 AD and died in 1280 AD. Some books mention 1281.

Ertugrul Ghazi
Ertugrul Ghazi

Ertugrul is the father of Osman.  With the small part of Kayi tribe, Ertugurl with only 400 tents, went on the challenging path toward the West and made foundation for one of the greatest empires. After Sultan Aleaddin was poisoned by Sadettin Kopek, he revolted against Kopek’s government, and proclaimed his own State,  the City of Sogut its capitol.

He had three sons Gohar, Shehryar and Usman He later established the Khilafah.The caliphate was named after the same son of Uthman of Ertugrul, the Ottoman Caliphate, but the foundation of the caliphate was laid by Ertugrul Ghazi.The same caliphate then defended the Muslim Ummah with the swords of these Turks for 600 years, from 1291 AD to 1924 AD.

True story of Ertugrul ghazi
Ertugrul Ghazi

Ertugrul Ghazi’s family came here from Central Asia and his ancestor Amjad Oz Khan Oghuz khan had twelve sons from whom they became twelve tribes, one of which was the Kayi tribe to which Ertugrul Ghazi belonged.Your father’s name was Suleiman Shah, Artagul Ghazi had three more brothers, Sarem, Zaljan, Guldaro, your mother’s name was Haima.Your tribe first came from Central Asia to Iran and then from Iran to Anatolia. To escape the Mongol invasion where Sultan Ala-ud-din who was the Sultan of the Seljuk Seljuk Empire and this Seljuk Turkish Empire was founded by Sultan Alap Arslan.By defeating Byzantine in the battle of Manzikert in 1071, Sultan Alp Arsalan was a great figure in history and went on to become the head of the same empire. These 12 tribes lived under the shadow of Sultan Alauddin Oghuz Khan.

And Ertugrul Ghazi became the chief of the Qai tribe. After the death of his father Suleiman Shah, the Ahl al-Ahl came first.Then he went to Aleppo. 1232 Where Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi’s grandson Aziz ruled, first Ertugrul Ghazi befriended Aziz then married Sultan Alauddin’s niece Halima Sultan with whom he had three sons.He befriended the Ayyubids and the Seljuks, conquered a stronghold of the Crusaders near Aleppo, and then became very close to Ertugrul Sultan Allauddin.

Sultan Allauddin
Sultan Allauddin

As the Mongol invasion approached, Ertugrul Ghazi defeated Noyan, a key Mongol leader. Noyan was the right hand of the Mongol king Ogtai Khan, Ogtai Khan was the son of Genghis Khan, and Ogtai’s son was Hulagu Khan Was running. And then Ertugrul Ghazi led his tribe to So Gut Sogut near Constantinople near Constantinople, and first there he conquered an important fortress of Byzantine Byazantine and gathered all the Turkic tribes. After the death of Sultan Allauddin, Ertugrul Ghazi became the sultan of the Seljuk kingdom and his descendant was Sultan Muhammad the Conqueror, who conquered Constantinople in 1453 and thus fulfilled the prophecy of the Holy Prophet(saw).Fighters like Ertugrul Ghazi are rare in history, but unfortunately our generation does not know them.

All the fighters who have gone through Islam who have done something for Islam, they must have a spiritual aspect, behind them there must be some spiritual personality (Wali Allah) whose duty is imposed by Allah.

Pick up the history from the beginning of Islam till now even today if anyone is doing any duty for Islam and for the Muslim Ummah then they must have some spiritual aspect. Sheikh Mohi-ud-Din Ibn Al-Arabi (may God have mercy on him) was behind this warrior Ertugrul Ghazi and by the grace of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) it was Sheikh Mohi-ud-Din Ibn Al-Arabi who came from Andalusia to help Ertugrul Ghazi.

Sheikh Ibn Al-Arabi
Sheikh Mohi-ud-Din Ibn Al-Arabi

This is not emotional or exaggerated. Only he who has received this light of spirituality can understand all this. And he who does not receive this light is blind and will not understand. Such as the Liberal Secular Brigade. The beautiful hadith of the Holy Prophet (saw) is as follows:

May Allah Grant him Janat ul Firdos in Jannah.

For the True History of Ertugrul Ghazi Urdu / Hindi ( Watch on my Channel [ History Videos ] )

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